Coding for Kids

Become a Certified Python Developer Today!

Want to showcase your coding skills? Take the LearnX developer certification exam today!

Recognized by top companies:
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Why get certified?

Getting a LearnX Developer Certification is crucial for all professional developers.

Prove your credibility is an industry recognized site, so having a certificate that proves you've successfully completed the examination, will allow you to showcase this accomplishment on your resume and LinkedIn profile, helping you build credibility, confidence and making you more desirable to reputable recruiters.

Validate your skills

In today’s competitive landscape, it is becoming increasingly important to receive recognition for your expertise in development. Having devoted time and effort into completing the course, authenticating your skills is crucial to enhancing your competitive edge within the industry.

Maximize your investment

Becoming a certified developer strengthens your position as an expert, enabling you to earn more than your non-certified counterparts. A developer certification will put you in a position where you can expect to receive more prestigious position offers at higher salaries.


What our graduates are saying

See how the LearnX certification can impact your professional career.

Or Kaplan
Senior Software Engineer Rewire

LearnX helped me sharpen my Python skills and get to know all the cool features of the language, and get up to speed with Python.

Jean Spector
Software Engineer Google

LearnX helped me see which areas of Python I'm more comfortable with and which ones need more attention and improvement.

Elad Gelman
Mobile Engineering Lead HoneyBook

I have been developing for more than ten years, and LearnX is by far one of the most educative online classes I ever had.

Alex Verdyan
Senior Software Engineer Forter

Solving LearnX exercises helped me memorize and retain many of Python tricks and intricacies. Following that I feel much more in "shape" for producing high quality, production grade Python code.

Yair Cohen
Product Manager Datadog

LearnX is a great way for me to both showcase my Python skills as a developer as well as an indication of good Python skills of potential candidates who I want to recruit to my company.

Omri Baumer
CTO Mass Challenge

LearnX allowed me to learn all sorts of cool features of Python, making my code Pythonic and easy to read. I value the certificate as a way to show a common skill set and perseverance.

Certification Process

How to get certified

Getting a certification is easy. Just follow the steps below.

Complete the course

Go to and complete the course by finalizing each chapter at your own pace.

Take the test

The course consists of over a hundred questions divided into multiple topics. After completing each topic, you may evaluate your answers to see if you got a passing grade.

Get certified

If all topics are completed successfully, you will be eligible for certification. Certifications will be issued upon confirming your e-mail address and paying for the certificate.

Showcase your certification

Upon receiving your certification, you will be able to download them in PNG or PDF format, upload your certificate to your LinkedIn profile with a single click, get your certificate to your e-mail, or just place a link to your LearnX certificate from your CV.

Ready to take the test?

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Choose your certification

Thousands of developers around the world are already certified. How about you?

One Certification
  • Get a Developer Certificate for one certification
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All Certifications
  • Get a Developer Certificate for all certifications
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  • Allow every student with your institution's e-mail address to get a LearnX certificate
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  • Allow every employee with your company's e-mail address to get a LearnX certificate
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